Motorcycle counters
Jawa TS 350
Products reviews
2018-07-15, 22:27
Driving my TS 350 80km/h the counter shows 50km/h. There are no tabs in the housing that base the angle of rotation of the dial around the pointer axis. The hole for the backlight socket is too large; there is a noticeable play, and it should go in pressed. Made nicely, the pointer does not jump, but so what; the product is not suitable for use on a motorcycle used for riding. Maybe on a display copy it would work well?
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2018-03-24, 20:11
damaged counter does not indicate speed only kilometers stood at 90 km / h and at shocks a little pointer moved jawa 350 model if I had not fallen when dismantling it I would have already returned it to you such parts are removed from the box and look at whether the new does not mean that it is good.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-02-23, 17:15
Przez okres kilkuletni jestem zadowolony z jakosci akcesorii jak i dostawy. Posiadam motocykle z okresu PRL-u po kilka sztuk danej marki ale nie posiadam junaka.W przypadku problemu jestem mile obslugiwany telefonicznie/Pozdrawiam.
Material quality:
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