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Motorcycle drives - parts
ATV China Bashan BS110S-2 110 4T





Found: 8
Drive chain tension ATV Quad 110 125 - 80848


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Drive chain tension ATV Quad 110 125 - 80848

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ATV drive chain tension 50 70 90 110 125 - 73902 ATV drive chain tension 50 70 90 110 125 - 73902
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ATV 110 125 rear wheel axle - 73904

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Chain 112 links 1/2x5.4 black Simson
DID ATV 110 125 drive kitDID ATV 110 125 drive kit


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  £23.62

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DID ATV 110 125 drive kit

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Products reviews

2024-10-08, 09:30



Suruburile sunt bune si ma bucur ca am gasit Gmoto pentru astfel de piese de schimb pe care, in general, sunt greu de gasit. Este mult mai bun ca originalul. Totusi, atunci cand le am comandat prima oara, am comandat 2 bucati de acelasi surub. In schimb, am primit doua suruburi diferite, unul a trebuit largit. Acum, la aceasta comanda ( a doua ), am primit la fel, un surub asa, altul asa. Am atasat o imagine cu suruburile sa vedeti diferenta dintre ele. Nu e nimic, il pot largi pe celalalt. Daca comandati o singura bucata, va veni doar cel potrivit. Recomand indiferent, sunt din material foarte bun si sunt foarte utile.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-10-06, 16:37



Surubul este bun, s-a potrivit foarte bine pe motorul meu ( un 125cc in 4 timpi ). L-am inlocuit deoarece, intr-un accident, surubul original s-a indoit foarte mult. Produsul acesta este cu mult mai superior ca originalul, am cumparat doua din acestea si, dupa un timp, am cumparat inca doua doar pentru a le avea de rezerva. Recomand cu mare incredere, sunt din calitate foarte buna.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-11-13, 06:15



Although the quality and of the product is fine, because it didn't mention the dimensions (length, thickness, etc.) I ordered it believing it is an universal product. It turned out it's only 66 centimeters long, therefore too short for my 125cc Chinese ATV.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2018-12-24, 12:53



I own a quad 110xl, I rode it a lot in the woods and one day my tension broke off. Of course, I had to push because the chain fell off, I ordered a new tension of a very good material and it is already ok. Installation is very easy and I highly recommend it.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-11-27, 07:43



Le kit chaine pignon couronne semble de qualité. Toutes les pièces se sont adaptées parfaitement sans aucune retouche, Sauf la chaîne à raccourcir. Très bon produit.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2021-09-16, 16:24



Kingway 125 year of production 2009 Replacement of the sprockets was simple the chain was shortened and now it now rides flawlessly. The parts are made of very strong material.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-11-13, 06:12



This transmission kit has a good quality and it fit fine on a 125cc Chinese ATV. I bought a few of them already and I would recommend it.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2021-05-13, 10:42



In my city, the product is hard to find, in the store hmm it is offhand. Workmanship of the product of high quality, perfectly fits the quad 110 ccm.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2021-08-08, 11:58



I own a motorcycle brand yamasaki ym 50.The installation of the tension went very quickly. The fit of the product is very good.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion