Great designed shoes, very nice and slim, narrow at the top to fit into the pant leg. All the details are very accurate, the finish is top notch. The actual length of the insole agrees with the manufacturer's description, the selection of the number through the website is very good. For me, the perfect shoes I was looking for but they put pressure on the foot just behind the big toe, in both shoes. If not for this detail, the shoes would have been perfect.
Sensational shoes for all weather. There is no problem to use them on even a very hot day because of the good membrane. The buckles are irreplaceable. He has such also with another model - in a word, I recommend.
Gaerne Midland boots on Gore Tex,
Quality of footwear, appearance and workmanship at a high level,
Size slightly oversized, previous Alpina Webb were 44 and Gaerne 45 fit .
Shoes very comfortable, lightweight, solidly made. Very good ventilation. The sole does not slip on the asphalt. After several rides (including in the rain) I find that I would buy again. I strongly recommend!
Suzuki V-Strom 2005.