Products reviews
2021-12-08, 12:16
What is there to write, an excellent base for a motorcycle. It will allow you to build a place to service the motorcycle, transport it, etc. I used it to convert a standard trailer into a motorcycle trailer. The holder has long bolts to the ears, also, just drill through the frame of the trailer, install the bolt from underneath, the use of a second nut will allow quick removal, strong 10.8 grade bolts. The bracket allows easier loading and tying the motorcycle by the non-suspended element that is the wheel, the lags will certainly rest . The workmanship of the handle itself is OK, welds correct. Anti-corrosion coating without objections.
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2019-01-27, 12:16
I bought this booklet with my ,,r 125" in mind. , to remember what was done when, after opening the booklet will show us the data of the vehicle and the history associated with the registration, the owner's data, the consumables of the vehicle, data from the last inspections, records of tire changes and a notepad on the last two pages - nothing is missing there, everything we need we have for only 2 zł, greetings Michal.
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2019-05-20, 14:14
I bought the rack with the idea of converting it into a car hitch-mounted "trailer" for pulling a motorcycle. So far in the process of conversion, so no opinion on this idea in practice yet. The rack itself is OK, solidly made yet without wastefulness in the cross-sections of the steel parts. Well galvanized, a few splatters from welding not wonky.
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2025-01-09, 12:55
Stojan je z kvalitného materiálu - robustné pásoviny a Jäckle. Vrelo odporúčam aj na ťažšie motorky. Ja mám v stojane 232kg Hondu Rebel 1100. Pohral som sa s nastavením spodného aj predného dorazu - čo umožňuje variabilita stojanu, tak aby koleso presne zapadlo a držalo motorku v stabilnej polohe. Tento stojan je vhodný aj pre prevoz moto na vozíku. Povrchová úprava pozink, takže odolá aj hrubšiemu zaobchádzaniu bez hrdze.
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2025-01-20, 08:29
A motorom tárolására használom, sokkal kevesebb helyet foglal el ezzel az állvánnyal a garázsban. Kicsit tartottam tőle, hogy a széles első abroncsot nem fogja befogadni, de tökéletesen illeszkedik bele. Nagyon fontos, hogy különböző kerék méretekhez lehet állítani, így nagyon sok motorhoz használható. Én nem rögzítettem le a padozathoz az állványt, de így is szuper, tökéletesen megtartja a motort.
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2022-09-13, 08:48
We bought this to transport motorcycles in roadside assistance for Agf company from Myslowice. The ideal product works 100 percent. Motorcycle stable when mounted in the rack super adjustable depending on the diameter of the wheel. Quick installation to any car floor or body. Quality b good. I recommend Daniel driver of roadside assistance AGF Mysłowice
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2020-04-21, 06:48
Very useful service book. I give it to every new customer to have everything in one place. A file of your motorcycle in a nice binding, good quality paper. A lot of options that one would not even think of to check or note down for themselves, and of course very readable. Highly recommended.
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2016-06-04, 09:56
Filled will certainly be an advantage for the future buyer of our equipment and will raise the amount of the transaction. Disadvantage - there is only one place to enter the plugs, battery and drive used. For tires there is a separate section with six places for replacements - I would have preferred it to be similarly solved.
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2021-05-03, 10:05
From I have 3 such racks and they serve their purpose 100%. They are used to carry BMW S1000 XR, MT07, Ninja 250R, YBR125. Workmanship super, installation easy, two racks serve for several years and nothing happens to them, to I bought the third and I think it will also be OK. I recommend the store.
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2024-09-22, 16:30
Simpatičan i koristan dodatak za sve one koji nisu prvi vlasnici svoga motora. Na jednom mjestu mogu objediniti sve najvažnije podatke o motoru, s time otići kod majstora ili u kupovinu bez pretraživanja interneta, a i ostaviti narednom vlasniku (ako planiraju prodaju).
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2024-12-25, 07:46
Книжката е добре оформена, но би могло освен на Полски да има поне на още един език. Ще я използвам с удоволствие за моят Веспа ЕТ 4 . Нанесох всичко което знам и имам като история с която разполагам и се получи систематизирана инфрмация, което в същност е идеята.
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2020-10-25, 12:16
A very useful thing. In it you can write down many different parameters that we need later and quickly without searching we have at hand. You can also note in it the entire history of repairs and inspections.,64665.html
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2019-03-12, 02:09
Romet ogar 202 everything as it should be finally I can keep a service book because the one I got when I bought the moto has already been taken up space and therefore I bought a new one I recommend ! I will buy for my customers so that for them to provide services and record Pozdro
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2024-09-06, 15:14
The booklet will make very aesthetically pleasing, good quality paper, the ability to enter a lot of useful information to have this data in one place. I bought so that I no longer write everything down only on my phone. The price is very attractive. From myself I recommend.
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2017-05-29, 15:00
Honda Transalp 600v pd 10 , 1997. Booklet universal, well thought-out layout, a lot of space for entries from service stations as well as for your own comments, useful for older equipment where there is often no any service paper. I recommend .
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2016-02-23, 11:48
Very cool thing when when buying a motorcycle is missing the service book. There is all the necessary information about inspections and owner data. Very cool thing if we want to note down what we did when and where. I recommend
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2024-02-27, 09:12
Hello nice. Stand - jack handle under the front tire-wheel HLP galvanized is used for long trips because as far as Norway and works great. I recommend to anyone interested in such equipment. Greetings wishing you many customers. LwG Dana
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2024-11-29, 07:46
Kovàcs Rózsa Nelli
Nagyon jó erős az anyaga a kerekeknèl a gumirozott rész remekül illeszkedik a közepèn lèvő àllitható csatos pànt nem engedi,hogy a szèl alà kapjon a pàrom robogójàra vettem M- es méretben és pont jó lett rà! Nagyon meg vagyunk vele elégedve!
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2023-05-26, 08:27
Every owner of unicycles should systematize all the activities and services carried out, and this booklet will contribute to taking care of our machine, and as always Gmoto shopping is a pleasure I encourage you to buy 100% satisfaction.
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2025-01-10, 09:18
Polecam bardzo przydatna książka można paragony dołączać do niej i nigdy się nie zapomni kiedy co było robione przy swoim motocyklu, dla mnie bardzo przydatna rzecz bo wiem co kiedy i jak było robione polecam bardzo dobra opcja
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2024-09-20, 10:17
Nagy Kornél
Sajàt utànfutómra rendeltem, hibátlant nagyon stabil a motor szàllítàskor. Kívàlló termék, azóta rendeltem már sisakot is, de biztos hogy rendelni fogok tőlük màst is, illetve korrekt és viszonylag gyorsan meg is jön a csomag.
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2024-09-22, 17:45
Egy Ducati Monster motorra választottam, tökéletesen illeszkedik rá. Előző motoromon egy Oxford Aquatex volt, nem igazán látok különbséget a két termék minőségében.és funkcióiban. Szerintem ár/érték alapján remek választás.
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2019-05-06, 09:58
For this amount of money, it's a really nice product. After dogging the front stabilizer fits like a glove. In the absence of a central foot, it fulfills its stabilizing role, and also for transportation on a trailer it will be as good as it can be. I recommend.
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2021-07-27, 09:50
A great booklet that allows you to collect information about servicing your motorcycle in an organized manner. Additional pages for notes at the end also allow you to keep track of replacements that are not included in the booklet.
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Reliable opinion
2023-10-15, 13:14
For this price there is nothing to be picky about. It lifts quite high, does not rock sideways when the moto stands on the jack. I did not stand together with the moto on the jack because the jack is up to 160 kg and could get damaged.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
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