Mám junak 902 chopper rok 2021 o pojemnosti 50 ccm wsedlem na gmoto wiszukal gaznik z dopasowanie do mojej stroje . Unfortunately gaznik tak dopasowany zie wse treba prerabiet from the gas line to the filter tím prosek o zmiany w dopasowanie na czensti Bo to niepasuje produkt chinsky bez jakosti dopraczowania
Material quality:
Gmoto's replyThank you for sharing your opinion. You may have received a product that does not match the description, in which case you should report a return within 15 days. Before purchasing, it is worth verifying the dimensions indicated in the photo. Unfortunately, Asian vehicles do not have specific catalogs, hence differences may appear.
Reliable opinion
2022-07-23, 21:00
Unfortunately, the carburetor cuts off the mixture after which it chokes as if it is not giving fuel. I was hoping that after a longer break in something would improve, but alas. Even changing the throttle didn't do anything. Only Japs are worth looking at, and this one is certainly not one.
Material quality:
Gmoto's replyYou may have come across a defective product. You can easily complain it by filling out the form at https://gmoto.pl/reklamacje. We will cover the cost of return/replacement.
Reliable opinion
2024-10-24, 12:22
KInroad XT50Q, tökéletesen illeszkedik, könnyen beszerelhető, jó szívóhatás, ugyanakkor hangolás szükséges, mert alapállapotban túl sok benzint nyom, így a motor behörög nagy gáz esetén.