ilość zębów:

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £44.57
delivery 0 £Piston kit Athena 38,00mm selection A - 073902.A

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £332.02
delivery 0 £Athena Hercules 50cc complete cylinder without head - 073900

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £9.67
delivery 0 £Athena 38x1.5mm piston ring chrome - 002016/R

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £11.40
delivery 0 £Athena 45x1.5mm piston ring chrome - 002416/R

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £9.37
delivery 0 £Top-End Athena engine gasket set - 074003
ilość zębów:

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £13.60
delivery 0 £NGK BR6HIX iridium spark plug - BR6HIX

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £17.69
delivery 0 £NGK BR8HIX iridium spark plug - BR8HIX

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £3.43
delivery 0 £NGK spark plug BR8HS - BR8HS

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £3.34
delivery 0 £NGK LB05F ignition pipe - 8051
Products reviews
2020-08-17, 08:33
CZ350, capacity 350 year of production 1986 Iridium spark plugs, which I purchased through the portal, completely changed the work cultore of the motorcycle. The equipment fires up from the so-called first kick, works nicely on two cylinders and the full power of the motorcycle returned. Now riding this old man gives fun. My next purchase will be iridium spark plugs. I recommend the store and recommend candles from this manufacturer.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-05-11, 20:09
When restoring my moped Hercules Prima 5S year prod. 1995, I encountered several problems, including the lack of a piston ring. The availability of parts for this model is very small. The only best option I found was a breast from your store. The ring fits, and my equipment came to life after 8 years of standing. The smile on my face is priceless.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-02-18, 22:05
Greetings. I checked the iridium spark plug out of curiosity in all my models: Junak m10 from 1963, SHL 175 from 1966 , SHL Wiatr from 1967, WSK B1 1969, WSK Garbuska and in all of them runs very well. ultimately I left in the motorcycle Junak M10 because it does longer routes and it is intended to last longer. I recommend and greetings.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-05-18, 18:16
Benelli 491 98r I was tempted to buy a frame from gmoto because when I bought something in the service and got a lanyard with the signature gmoto free of charge nice gesture fell to my liking so much that I wanted and frame for registration because it caught my eye somewhere there and the choice quite right why the quality without comparing to those frames from the office solid does not crackle holds the plate as expected does not vibrate the plate on the free under the plate a lot of holes and a lot of space for screwing such a head m8 fits easily visually polished and the same signature is not the usual print but a kind of silicone sticker and most importantly the clips hold like hell I do not have to worry about losing the plate
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-12-01, 18:15
Produsul pe care l-am achiziționat m-a impresionat cu adevărat. Calitatea este excelentă, iar designul este atât practic, cât și atrăgător. Utilizarea sa este intuitivă, iar rezultatele obținute sunt remarcabile. Am observat o îmbunătățire semnificativă în ceea ce privește performanța, ceea ce îl face să merite fiecare leu investit. De asemenea, ambalajul a fost bine gândit, protejând produsul pe parcursul livrării. Recomand cu căldură acest produs tuturor celor care caută o soluție eficientă și de încredere. Cu siguranță, voi reveni pentru a achiziționa și alte produse de la acest brand!
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-02-10, 08:32
Odlican mali alatic , za najbitniju stvar na motoru. Znaci nisam bik pri novcima za kupiti pravi set za lanac u kutiji pa sam odlucio pruziti šansu ovom malom alatu. Bez ikakvog pretjerivanja ostao san ugodno iznenađen s obzirom na njegovu cijenu i “ruku na srce “ neatraktivnom izgledu, mali je odradio vrhunski posao. Sa njim sam Upresao lanac DID VX3 - 525- 118 L, znaci dosta jak i velik lanac. Uglavnom sve preporuke za ovo malo cudo od alata ????? eto stojte mi dobro i Lp
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2021-09-13, 22:50
For Romet Zetta 50 fits like a glove - it looks identical to the Chinese original. The rubber cover on the side of the high-voltage cable, admittedly, is hard to enter the cable, but this is an advantage in my opinion - it reduces the risk of moisture getting inside. After installation, the difference is unbelievable, the spark on the spark plug has improved, it is strong, and there is no phenomenon of "falling ignition". I recommend!
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2021-10-19, 02:31
I use Avin Iridium plugs in Chinese motorcycles and they work 100% well. In the case of installation of this plug to our Polish Romet of the era, there is even poetry in the work of the engine! :) No misfiring, firing on "tick", improved power due to better combustion and the mentioned no misfiring. I highly recommend to everyone! You will definitely not be disappointed! ^^
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2022-09-15, 23:32
Iridium for that kind of money? - I thought it couldn't work. and I was wrong. WSK 125 forest terrain about 600 km mileage and forgot about the plug. Similarly, the second WSK - asphalt more than 1200 km and no problem. Engines run evenly, no "ignition loss" or starting problem. Perfect for two-strokes on lapping - zero carbon build-up.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-09-24, 15:15
I bought with my soul on my shoulder, but the chain shackled elegantly and without any problems. Rather, it is not a typical workshop tool, but 2-3 more chains will surely forge - the pin shows only light wear so it is made of fairly decent materials (considering the price, of very good).
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-05-31, 06:03
I've always used Iskra candles, but tempted by reviews from the Internet, the first time on the test3 lup just this one. Awine iridium, what I can say so far works, major differences from Iskra I do not see, but probably will last longer, it seems to me that it does not even get so dirty.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-01-27, 18:10
Swiece zamontowałem w ogar 200 na zwykłej silnik chodził jak chciał po założeniu świecy irydowej brak jakich kolwiek problemów z odpaleniem i praca silnika na niskich obrotach. Naprawdę polecam silnik wkręca się jak na niego przystało moja ocena to nawet lepiej niż bardzo dobra
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2016-08-05, 17:40
simson s51-70 year pr 1978 This Japanese company's candle is awesome because the motorcycle has a lot of power and pulls in every hill without slugging. It burns from the first kick cold or warm. Naprawde very good candle ticks at gmoto I will buy all products and motorcycle parts.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2023-06-16, 12:09
The spark plug gives a really good spark and the Simson S51 works perfectly with it. Workmanship and quality at a very high level well and this red color also looks nice. I highly recommend to everyone, the product is worth its price and without reservations.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-09-19, 09:34
Tak vyzerá to dobrá kvalita pasuje ako stará, nakoľko som kúpil do rezervy lebo mam dobru ešte ale za tu cenu som to kúpil, a na sk už. Budú alebo už robia väčšie značky od leta 2024.takze by mi bola malá. Ale ja si značku nebudem meniť tak ôk.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-05-15, 02:54
Frame like a frame. The plastic is fine, the fit to the holes is fine, it's just a pity that it comes already snapped, because you have to gently disassemble it from behind releasing the catches to insert the board and snap it back in.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-01-15, 08:26
Na tej świecy romet i wsk lepiej odpalają i jeszcze mi się nie zdarzyło by mi ta świeca padła i nie dawała iskry a jeżdżę sporo ale jak ktoś przesadza z olejem do benzyny to nawet wsk i romet na irydowej stanie polecam.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-05-19, 08:39
Yamaha dt 50re Frame very well made, the quality of the plastic is sensational and the number of mounting holes allows you to accurately attach the frame to the holder. For the price of 7zl you will not find anything better.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2022-03-05, 11:59
- The purchase turned out to be a shot in 10! The product meets the requirements, the quality is perfect, everything is as described, the company on the level and the shipment was prompt. I recommend everyone to purchase from GMOTO.PL!
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
Other models of
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- Hercules Optima 50 [2-biegowy] 1995
- Hercules Optima 50 [2-biegowy] 1996
- Hercules Optima 50 3 [2-biegowy] 1980
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1981
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1982
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1983
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1984
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1985
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1986
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1987
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1988
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1989
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1990
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1991
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1992
- Hercules Optima 50 3S [2-biegowy] 1993