
Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £5.24
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £76.49
delivery 0 £JT 525Z3 118 open x-ring drive chain with crimped cap

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £2.76
delivery 0 £Athena exhaust manifold gasket 35.1x42.7x4 - S410210012060

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £14.07
delivery 0 £JT JTF1370.16RB front sprocket, 16z size 525 with vibration damper
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £25.06
delivery 0 £TRW Lucas MCB 784 SH brake pads (2 pieces). - MCB784SH

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £24.79
delivery 0 £TRW Lucas MCB 598 SV brake pads (2 pieces).

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delivery 0 £TRW Lucas MCB 598 brake pads (2 pieces).

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £204.59
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £87.30
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £7.88
delivery 0 £HifloFiltro HF 204 RC Racing oil filter

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £33.05
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £62.19
delivery 0 £TRW Lucas MCC 110-8 clutch disc set. - MCC110-8

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £4.94
delivery 0 £Athena 43x48x20 connecting exhaust gasket - S410210012036

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £2.76
delivery 0 £Valve cover bolt sealer - S410210015058

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £37.66
delivery 0 £Athena valve cover gasket - S410210015119

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £128.93
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Lowest price from 30 days before discount: £10.17
delivery 0 £NGK spark plug CR9EH-9 - CR9EH9
Products reviews
2018-11-01, 20:15
I ordered the air vents with the motorcycle Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin - 1999 in mind. They fit the front calipers as well as the rear caliper. After screwing in, there is a little bit of thread sticking out(this is for a small minus), which is covered by a blanking rubber. They successfully replace the original, which is twice as expensive in the service. To the aesthetics and solidity rather can not be complained about - no burrs, the layer of zinc is placed on well-prepared steel. When tightening, care should be taken to select a perfectly matching wrench, scratches and destruction of the zinc layer can result in the appearance of rust in a fairly short time due to the fact that the material is steel. The downgrade for the material is due to the fact that I would prefer stainless steel instead of steel and zinc.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-02-09, 08:28
Odgovara narucenom, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis iaculis nisl. In semper bibendum nulla et aliquet. Sed pellentesque ipsum nisl, id consectetur tortor vestibulum ac. Nam pharetra at dui at rutrum. In vitae ornare metus. Mauris semper eu eros at molestie. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum imperdiet dui non dui condimentum molestie. Aliquam ac neque ac quam cursus molestie. Etiam id vehicula neque. Nam sed dignissim metus, et ultrices nibh.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2021-06-22, 08:54
The filter of a very decent brand. I buy it all the time and have never been disappointed. A very big plus is that it can be unscrewed with a socket wrench. If someone has little space, as I do, to do anything at the filter then such a head on the filter is salvation. It is a little more expensive than the standard version but worth every penny. Last time I had a regular filter I had to perforate it and pour oil in the exhaust pipes to unscrew it , in this case the replacement was clean, fast and above all simple! I recommend
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-02-19, 06:16
Objednal som si sviečky nové pretože som mal problém s tým že mi nechcela po zime naštartovať. Po zakúpení sviečok som ich hneď namontoval a motorka chytila hneď. Všetko prišlo krásne zabalené a nepoškodené. Môžem obchod odporučiť a určite budem ešte niečo objednávať pretože majú aj fajn ceny. Kde inde za sviečku chcú 18-22€ v gmoto som ju kúpil za nejakých 12€. Takže sa to oplatí cenovo. Som spokojný
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2025-01-15, 10:59
Athena, uszczelka śruby pokrywy zaworów jest dobrze wykonana. Luz montażowy pomiędzy średnicą zewnętrzną uszczelki i pokrywą zaworów zachowany. Dość elastyczna. Produkcja włoska. Drobne wypluwki gumy są widoczne ale w miejscach nie mających wpływu na szczelność. Silnik jeszcze nie odpalany, ale nie spodziewam się wycieków
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-03-30, 20:41
Sealers without complaint. In a rigid and secure package a set of sealers and covers for two leaguers. Assembly trivially easy (for those who like and have an idea of DIY and small repairs). The fit is perfect. So far zero problem and the lags work perfectly in combination with Motul 10W oil.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2023-05-24, 21:04
very good product,easy to install,app to download,connects to your phone via blue tooth and you have everything on the screen of your phone,like charging current,battery condition,monitoring its performance and so on,very useful thing,highly recommend in good conscience
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-07-08, 19:23
My machine is an 86 Honda Shadow VT 1100 . Purchased parts were not dedicated for this vintage , so as a novice user I bought blind and surprisingly they fit . Installation was no problem and the material and workmanship flawless . G Moto and product on pistket . LWG .
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2021-08-08, 10:10
Honda CBR 1100XX Super Blackbird from 1997, the replacement went without a problem, the bearings and seals fit. After replacement, you can feel a big improvement and much lighter handling. The old bearings were worn and jumped into the "point" when straightening the steering wheel, now there is no such thing.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-10-26, 14:32
Τοποθετηση σε hornet 600 2008 abs σχετικά λίγο δύσκολα λόγο χώρου τοποθέτησης αλλά με λίγη υπομονή και τα καταληλα εργαλεία είσαι οκ τώρα θα δοκιμαστούν για να δούμε αν έχει διαφορές από τα απλά εκτός του περισσότερους χρόνου αλλαγής
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2023-06-28, 15:29
The outer diameter of the gasket is about 1-2mm too large for the 2010 Honda CBF600, after gently spreading the outer muffle of the muffler went in by force (it is soft) and somehow got there after tightening the cybant, but the installation is troublesome.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-05-05, 17:43
Filter as described hassle-free installation and a big plus for the ability to tighten with a wrench without using special wrenches for filters. Painting without cavities, and it looks aesthetically pleasing. Plus for the protective film on the filter inlet.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
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