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Motorcycle road tires

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2024-09-28, 06:49



Road tire + inner tube + apron 3.50-16 P22 6PR TT homologation

Der Reifen entspricht voll und ganz meinen Vorstellungen. Zum Glück habe ich so einen Reifen in der Grösse 3.50-16 6PR bekommen (6PR war wichtig, da diese Größe in meinen Papieren steht, und ab nächstem Jahr darf eine alternative Angabe wie 52P nicht mehr montiert sein, oder das muss in die Papiere eingetragen werden.) So habe ich mir einiges an Kosten erspart. Die Lieferung war sehr schnell, die Kosten übersichtich. Gerne wieder *****

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-09-19, 09:20



Avon Roadrider AM26 110/80V18 58V front/rear tire DOT 26/2020

Articolo superiore alle aspettative, ordinato questo pneumatico introvabile al momento della mia ricerca, titubante per il DOT non recente ho dovuto ricredermi, ottimo prodotto, ottima conservazione, ottima mescola morbida e aderente, nessuna differenza visiva, estetica e prestazionale rispetto ad un DOT stampato oggi ad esempio, davvero molto soddisfatto. Tornassi indietro lo ricomprerei senza indugio.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-08-31, 10:08



ATV tire 13x5.00-6 2PR A-810 Awina

Tires made of good rubber, flexible but look solid. The tread is perfect for off-road hounding. Unfortunately I had to return mine because my rim was a different size, but if I could, I would definitely put these slippers on my machine.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-10-28, 13:25



IFA tire + tube + apron x2 18x3.00

Very good price of the set. Tires well made, looks very solid. Tires have correct shape and good tread. Installation without any problems. The motorcycle immediately looks better with new shoes! I highly recommend this set

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-09-20, 07:15



Tire + tube + apron 18x3.00

Alles gut verpackt Versand ging schnell und ohne Probleme. Reifen passen perfekt so wie auch Felgenband und Schlauch. Montage war ohne Spezialwerkzeug ein bisschen knifflig aber die Reifen sitzen jetzt super und haben guten grip.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion