Chain of very good quality is no different from the original lies on the sprockets as it should no problem with its installation I recommend.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-03-28, 10:11
My moto is a Honda CBF600S. The chain fits perfectly. Installation without any problems, pulling off the pulser cover and unscrewing one camshaft, you can easily install a closed chain and not play with cupping. The tensioner went back to the beginning of the tension, we'll see how long it stays there. The chain comes in a box like from the 1990s, wrapped in paper.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-12-09, 11:56
Веригата изглежда много добре и е на добър производител. Пасва идеално на Honda CBR F3 1996 и беше добре опакована